Sunday, July 17, 2011


It's getting down to the wire, folks.

I'm leaving the country in t-minus 3 days.

As I was sitting in church today, I realized that I'm probably not going to see this many members in my new ward. it's definitely going to be a huge transition going from a city with a plethora of mormons, to a city with hardly any members. I may be judging it too quickly, but I've gotta feeling (that tonight's gonna be a good night).

sorry for the lame song reference. i hate the black eyed peas.

anyway, i doubt i will update this thing again before if i don't come back...sorry?

If i do, then i'm sure you'll continue to hear lots and lots of stories about a naive american girl living 7000 miles away from home in a foreign country.

you guys will be missed and i'll be looking forward to all of our skype dates.

over and out.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Oh hey there

SO, this is my new and improved blog for all you fans out there.

I figured I should probably update you all on my life since you are dying to know. Word on the street is I'm moving to Munich, Germany. The rumors are true. I'm reporting there July 22, 2011. No, I'm not going on a mission. I'm going there simply because I've always wanted to go there. It's my heaven on earth and I haven't even been there...yet. Words can't adequately describe my excitement when talking about this adventure. I'm excited, yes, but I'm a little freaked out about a few things:
(one) I don't know german
(two) I don't know anyone
(three) I can be too american sometimes
(four) the furthest i've flown is washington state (embarrassing)
(five) I'm not a meat eater and I hate sauerkraut (germans are big on bratworst and sauerkraut)

Wish me luck.

A post is not a post without a picture. so here you go.

**stay tuned for more (exciting) pictures to come...