Sunday, July 17, 2011


It's getting down to the wire, folks.

I'm leaving the country in t-minus 3 days.

As I was sitting in church today, I realized that I'm probably not going to see this many members in my new ward. it's definitely going to be a huge transition going from a city with a plethora of mormons, to a city with hardly any members. I may be judging it too quickly, but I've gotta feeling (that tonight's gonna be a good night).

sorry for the lame song reference. i hate the black eyed peas.

anyway, i doubt i will update this thing again before if i don't come back...sorry?

If i do, then i'm sure you'll continue to hear lots and lots of stories about a naive american girl living 7000 miles away from home in a foreign country.

you guys will be missed and i'll be looking forward to all of our skype dates.

over and out.